Blutech has been recognized by international media APAC CIO Outlook as one of the top five IoT solution providers in Taiwan.

Blutech Intelligent Co., Ltd. has been recognized by the U.S. Silicon Valley publication APAC CIO Outlook as one of the top five IoT solution providers in Taiwan for 2023. This award further validates the core beliefs of the team, as Blutech’s co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer, Chen Wenfeng, mentioned: “Solving carbon emissions not only benefits our clients but also has a tangible impact on Taiwan and even the entire planet.”

Faced with the increasingly urgent need to reduce carbon emissions, factories are gradually realizing the importance of collecting precise data on their carbon footprint and electricity consumption. They are actively seeking appropriate solutions to effectively collect this data, as traditional wired meters and sensors have proven to be unreliable, time-consuming, and ineffective.

Blutech’s NeVerLoSs® LoRa wireless protocol is a revolutionary industrial application solution that enables clients to analyze energy consumption with exceptional efficiency. This includes prioritized data transmission based on scheduled requests and networks that effectively avoid interference, ensuring uninterrupted data flow and reliable reception. This technology allows factories to completely transform their data collection methods, improving efficiency, yielding better return mechanisms, and making informed decisions.

Blutech has launched a series of hardware devices, including the IoT gateway “DataQueen,” the three-phase industrial meter “MeterAnt,” and the IO data collector “DataAnt” with various interfaces. These components collectively form a powerful data infrastructure system capable of meeting approximately 80% of a factory’s data transmission needs. They play a crucial role in applications such as energy management, carbon footprint verification, and energy performance indicators. Through the data collected by Blutech’s system, customers gain in-depth insights into their energy consumption, carbon emissions, and performance, enabling them to make decisions and set improvement goals. Blutech’s energy management solutions adhere to ISO standards, offering intelligent flow and water resource management systems, easily exportable reports in compliance with the government’s Energy Bureau EnPI regulations, and even carbon emission verification services.

Blutech’s solution architecture collects data from the electrical panels using “MeterAnt,” transmits it via the NeVerLoSs® LoRa wireless protocol to the gateway, and then links the data to the IoT server and application sites through connections or 4G networks. Customers can install Blutech’s IoT management solution on their servers, which provides open APIs such as MQTT, allowing them to subscribe to their data and integrate it into their own systems. This open architecture enhances flexibility and compatibility with customers’ existing software and systems. The successful collaboration with Far Eastern New Century demonstrates Blutech’s capabilities. The Far Eastern New Century factory integrated approximately 500 Blutech three-phase industrial meters and deployed four gateways to ensure comprehensive data transmission coverage throughout the factory. This innovative solution brought significant benefits to the factory, including over a million New Taiwan Dollars in electricity savings annually and a substantial reduction in carbon emissions.

Blutech addresses the high deployment costs in the Asian market by offering partial and small-scale batch installations, allowing customers to flexibly choose the installation scale they need. The wireless solution is highly scalable, capable of handling a range of installation needs from a single electrical panel circuit or sensor to hundreds of devices. Once the gateway is installed, customers can easily add terminal devices to create an IoT network and immediately view real-time factory data. Data security is also a top priority for Blutech, which has developed comprehensive security and computing solutions in collaboration with Cisco and works with leading sensor companies such as ABB to ensure accurate data for customers. By adopting the exclusive patented wireless technology NeVerLoSs® LoRa and the innovative wireless instrument data transmission system (WSDMS), Blutech is committed to providing customers with industrial instrument monitoring, energy consumption analysis, and comprehensive IoT solutions. To date, Blutech has successfully deployed WSDMS in over 30 major factories across various industries in Taiwan and continues to expand its coverage.

Blutech is a pioneer in the energy management field, providing cutting-edge software and hardware integration services and cost-effective solutions. Its core value lies in its proactive imagination of future energy applications, actively integrating renewable energy and energy storage solutions. With expertise in energy data analysis, backup energy alternatives, and energy management capabilities, Blutech is preparing to enter the Taiwanese power trading market, helping customers develop customized trading strategies tailored to their individual needs and goals, and moving toward the concrete realization of effective power trading.

APAC CIO Outlook Article Link:Top 5 IoT Solutions Providers In Taiwan 2023